Processing stem cells with microfluidics


Processing stem cells with microfluidics

Wed, 06/12/2017 - 14:30 to 15:30


Helen Bridle

Stem cell therapies offer great potential though there are many challenges involved in the production and purification of the cells required for these novel medical interventions. For example, differentiation protocols are not 100% efficient and therefore product purification is essential. Furthermore, steps such as media exchange during cell culturing can cause high levels of cell loss and damage. We have been investigating the use of microfluidic systems for stem cell downstream purification as well as media exchange. This talk will focus on the type of microfluidic devices utilised as well as the specific designs employed for these applications and discuss the results obtained. Additionally, the talk will mention further application areas in which these types of device have been investigated, e.g. waterborne pathogen concentration and microalgae dewatering.
