

Fri, 15/02/2019 - 11:30


Prof. Anthony Ephremides
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland in College Park

This talk will introduce and describe the new notion of Age of Information Updates. It is also referred to as Age of Information (AoI). Briefly, this notion summarizes the latency of received messages from time of generation to final reception. Examples include any monitoring system, data collection from censors, processes that evolve in time (like stock market data, object trajectories, etc.), caching systems at network edge, and many others.

The novelty of the concept consists of viewing all the causes of latency in a unified way. The “age” of information at the receiver at time t is defined as the difference between the current time t and the time u(t) which is the time of generation of the most recently received update.
The AoI is a concept, a metric and a tool. In this talk, we will review its evolution over its brief history (it was introduced in 2012) and highlight some of the progress made in its study since. We will conclude by pointing out some of the fundamental issues that arise from its study and that connect signal processing, sampling, information theory, and network control.


Anthony Ephremides holds the Cynthia Kim Professorship of Information Technology at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Maryland in College Park where he is a Distinguished University Professor and has a joint appointment at the Institute for Systems Research, of which he was among the founding members in 1986. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1971 and has been with the University of Maryland ever since.
He has held various visiting positions at other Institutions (including MIT, UC Berkeley, ETH Zurich, INRIA, etc), and co-founded and co-directed a NASA-funded Center on Satellite and Hybrid Communication Networks in 1991. He has been the President of Pontos, Inc, a consulting firm, since 1980 and has served as President of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 1987 and as a member of the IEEE Board of Directors in 1989 and 1990. He has been the General Chair and/or the Technical Program Chair of several technical conferences (including the IEEE Information Theory Symposium in1991, 2000, and 2011, the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in 1986, the ACM Mobihoc in 2003, and the IEEE Infocom in 1999). He has served on the Editorial Board of numerous journals and was the Founding Director of the Fairchild Scholars and Doctoral Fellows Program,, a University-Industry Partnership from 1981 to 1985.
He has received the IEEE Donald E. Fink Prize Paper Award in 1991, the first ACM Achievement Award for Contributions to Wireless Networking in 1996, as well as the 2000 Fred W. Ellersick MILCOM Best Paper Award, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal, the 2000 Outstanding Systems Engineering Faculty Award from the Institute for Systems Research, and the Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize from the University of Maryland in 2001, and a few other official recognitions of his work. He also received the 2006 Aaron Wyner Award for Exceptional Service and Leadership to the IEEE Information Theory Society.

He is the author of several hundred papers, conference presentations, and patents, and his research interests lie in the areas of Communication Systems and Networks and all related disciplines, such as Information Theory, Control and Optimization, Satellite Systems, Queueing Models, Signal Processing, etc. He is especially interested in Wireless Networks, Energy Efficient Systems, and the new notion of Age of Information.
