Adding one calendar item
You can add any one calendar item by clicking on the "add item to my calendar" button next to a particular seminar.
Subscribing to this calendar
You can subscribe to a whole calendar to receive up to date seminar details in your calendar. using a variety of programs, including:
Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple iCal, or iPhone/iPad
Separate "all eps" and institute calendars are available, select "Seminars" for all, or select the institute or category from the Navigation menu the left, before clicking on to the "adding to my calendar" tab.
Links to ical calendars
To add to Office 365 web calendar, copy the link above. Open webmail, calendar and select from dropdown menu "New" ... "Add calendar ..." - "From internet" and paste in the link.
Website developers
Some information if you run a Research Group website and would like to add these events to your group web page:
To include the list of events in another website you could use this iframe version:
<iframe src=""
height="800px" width="560px"></iframe>
The format of these links is :
webcal:// [ all | institute shortname ] /calendar.ical [ all | institute shortname ]/list [ all | institute shortname ] /rss.xmlYou can also access the data from this website using various data service formats:|json|jsonp)
An example of the javascript code to embed on a site without iframe using jquery and dynamic loading is available on Events page on ISSS website.