Optical field modulation & multi-photon entanglement in quantum information processing


Optical field modulation & multi-photon entanglement in quantum information processing

Tue, 01/12/2020 - 15:00 to 16:00
Dr Huan Cao

Photons provide several degrees of freedom for encoding information, such as polarization, energy, time-of-arrival, and spatial modes, making it an excellent carrier for quantum technologies. Generating and manipulating single- or multi-photon states over those various degrees of freedom efficiently play a pivotal role in the application of quantum computing, quantum metrology, and investigations of fundamental physics. Here I will share my PhD works on the demonstration an enhanced level of control over photonic states. First, I will present the results for the realization of high-dimensional orbital angular momentum (OAM) entanglement distribution via kilometer few-mode fiber. For the second part, fully controlled dephasing dynamics is demonstrated in terms of synthetic spectral densities. Besides, I will introduce a self-designed high-performance SPDC source which could be a competitive candidate for multi-photon system.
