From novel approaches to high-temperature superconductivity to 2D quantum magnets - recent work and results


From novel approaches to high-temperature superconductivity to 2D quantum magnets - recent work and results

Tue, 16/02/2021 - 15:00 to 16:00


Dr Adrian Kantian
Heriot Watt University

This introductory talk upon my group and I joining IPaQS will contain a cross section of past and present theoretical work, with the aim of stimulating contacts and discussions. One focus will be on our major current area of research, which concerns novel approaches and techniques for tackling unconventional and high-temperature superconductivity. This work is built upon the use of quasi-1D systems with key advantages over the 2D systems that are more commonly studied. The ultimate aim of this work is both to allow for the design of devices and materials based on our theoretical approach, as well of validating this approach via analog quantum simulation in ultra-cold atomic gases [PRB 100, 075138 (2019);PRB 102, 195145 (2020)].
Second, I will give an overview of a new line of work on using a monolayer material, CrCl3, to cleanly probe fundamental aspects of 2D magnetism, including the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition [arXiv:2012.12801].
Third, I will briefly highlight a selection of other work to further illustrate the groups range of interests and approaches.
