Real-time Pulse Dynamics In Bidirectional Mode-locked Fibre Lasers and Applications


Real-time Pulse Dynamics In Bidirectional Mode-locked Fibre Lasers and Applications

Wed, 22/09/2021 - 14:00 to 15:00
Dr Maria Chernysheva
Leibniz Institut für Photonische Technologien (L-IPHT), Germany

As part of our series of Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship speakers, Dr Maria Chernysheva from the Institut für Photonische Technologien, Jena (IPHT) in Leibniz will give a talk on "Real-time Pulse Dynamics In Bidirectional Mode-locked Fibre Lasers and Applications". An abstract and short bio are included below. Please join the webinar at the Teams link provided.

Bidirectional ultrafast fibre lasers present an attractive solution, enabling the generation of two mutually coherent ultrashort pulse trains in a simple and turnkey system. Still, the lack of a comprehensive numerical model describing the steady-state bidirectional generation and even less ultrafast soliton breakdowns and collisions obstruct realising the same performance as unidirectional lasers. The availability of real-time measurement techniques like spatio-temporal dynamics and dispersive Fourier transform has enabled the observation of build-up dynamics of various ultrashort pulses from intensity fluctuations on the noise floor, shaped further via modulation instabilities or Q-switched dynamics. These observations open up a great avenue towards versatile manipulation of nonlinear soliton dynamics and, therefore, high-speed applications of bidirectional ultrafast fibre laser.


Dr Maria Chernysheva obtained her PhD degree in Laser Physics from the Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014. Shortly after that, she moved to Aston University (Birmingham, UK), where she received Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (EU Horizon2020) and Engineering for Development Research Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering. From the beginning of 2019, Dr Chernysheva has been a leader of Junior Research Group “Ultrafast fibre lasers” at Leibniz-IPHT (Jena, Germany). Her main research interests include nonlinear optics, exploring and engineering novel ultrafast fibre laser configurations and amplification systems. Her current research vision is moving towards ultrafast Mid-IR generation for potential applications for spectroscopy.
