Infrared emitting nanoparticles: the new era of bioimaging


Infrared emitting nanoparticles: the new era of bioimaging

Fri, 26/05/2023 - 15:00 to 16:00


Professor Daniel Jaque Garcia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

The recent development of nanoparticles capable of absorbing and emitting infrared light has driven the use of light as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool at the preclinical level. The fundamental motivation that has driven this development is the design of new techniques that can compete with the current ones in price, simplicity of use and security. In this talk I will explain the basic principles of operation of infrared emitted nanoparticles and give representative examples that demonstrate the great potential of this new generation of nanoprobes for the detection and treatment of tumors and other diseases in animal models.
