Acquisition speed in MRI - from basic concepts to state of the art image reconstruction


Acquisition speed in MRI - from basic concepts to state of the art image reconstruction

Wed, 10/06/2015 - 16:00 to 17:00


Dr Jakob Asslaender
Freiburg University Hospital

In this talk I will give a brief introduction in the basic concepts for spatial encoding in MRI and its consequences on the acquisition time. Furthermore, I will outline the methods developed in the last 25 years that have lead to a significant increase in imaging speed. Last but not least I will give an outlook on the translation of acceleration techniques to quantitative MRI.

An aperitif will be served at 17.00

A taxi will be arranged from and to Edinburgh King’s buildings upon request . Please contact Mrs Gwen Christie ( to be added to the list.


Jakob Asslaender studied physics in Würzburg (Germany), where he got to the field of MRI. Thereafter, he did his PhD with Jürgen Hennig in Freiburg (Germany) on the topic of fast fMRI acquisition techniques with reduced susceptibility artifacts. In the last two years he changed his field of research towards RF-pulse design and optimal control algorithms.
