ICT - Enabled Innovation in Physical Asset Lifecycle Management (PALM): Challenges and Opportunities for Industry-Relevant Solutions


ICT - Enabled Innovation in Physical Asset Lifecycle Management (PALM): Challenges and Opportunities for Industry-Relevant Solutions

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 14:00 to 15:00


Christos Emmanouilidis
ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre, Greece

The Physical Asset Lifecycle Management function brings together a truly multidisciplinary set of competencies, ranging from different engineering disciplines, to environment, health and safety, management and finance, with normative and legislative issues also being a key concern. It is becoming a key consideration for organizations and enterprises aiming at sustainable operation and growth. Assets, products and technical infrastructure are not considered simply as means towards an end but are treated as individual value-entities, whose lifecycle needs to be adequately managed. This profound inter and intra organisation cultural change pertains to the operation and management of both small and large organizations and enterprises. The increasing trend is towards a deeper penetration of ICT innovation, fuelled by data and services integration at different levels. Technologies related to Internet of things, intelligent and cyber-physical systems, web-based, semantic and adaptive computing are now enabling better integration of assets, devices and decisions, while placing the human factor in the loop. The talk will discuss new challenges and opportunities that such ICT-enabled innovation integration brings to the rapidly evolving physical asset lifecycle management business landscape.


Christos Emmanouilidis (Dipl. Elec. Eng., MSc., PhD) Research Director at ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre, Greece. His teaching experience includes Industrial Information Systems, Asset Lifecycle Management, Pattern Recognition, Decision Analysis & Game Theory. His research has been in Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management, Industrial Automation, Applied Mobile, Personalised and Context-Adaptive Computing, Intelligent Systems and Learning Technologies. He has over 75 refereed publications and over 17 years of R&D projects experience including coordination of projects such as iLearn2Main, WelCOM, Robot Inspector and Technogenesis. He is a founding Board member of the Hellenic Maintenance Society, a Founding Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management, a member of the European Asset Management Committee of the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, a member of IFIP WG5.7 Advances in Production Management systems and is currently serving as member of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council for Smart Specialisation in NE Greece (East Macedonia-Thrace) and Secretary of IFAC TC 5.1 WG A-MEST 'Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology'.
