Exploring atomic and relativistic physics in superconducting circuits


Exploring atomic and relativistic physics in superconducting circuits

Wed, 02/03/2016 - 14:30 to 15:30


Göran Johansson
Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg

Superconducting circuits have recently been developed in order to realize a quantum computer. However, there are a number of interesting physics "spin-off”-results. The quantum bits consists of circuits giving a non-linearity at the single photon level, in the same way as ordinary atoms do. This enables exploration of the interaction between (artificial) atoms and the electromagnetic field in previously unavailable parameter regimes.

In this talk, I’ll briefly introduce the circuit element responsible for the non-linearity, i.e. the Josephson junction. I’ll then discuss a few experimental results on scattering off a single atom in 1 D open space, and the measurement of a suppressed vacuum-fluctuations in front of a mirror.

If there is time, I’ll also explain how the Josephson junction can be used to induce a rapidly changing boundary condition of the electromagnetic field, corresponding to mirrors moving at relativistic velocities. This can e.g. be used to realize the dynamical Casimir effect and to simulate a twin paradox scenario.
