PA Intermodulation Distortion Measurements Using the PNA


PA Intermodulation Distortion Measurements Using the PNA

Wed, 16/12/2015 - 14:00


María Jesús Cañavate Sánchez
Heriot Watt University

In telecommunication systems, the transmitter power amplifier (PA) is one of the most critical components. The reason for this high-profile role of the PA is that it is the major source of signal distortion, harmonics and intermodulation products. Predicting, assessing and quantifying the impact of these effects on the transmitted signal requires the correct measurement of the amplifier characteristics. This talk will be focused on the different configurations of the Performance Network Analyzer, PNA, for measuring intermodulation distortion and other characteristics of the PA.


María Jesús Cañavate Sánchez was born in Cartagena, Spain, in 1992. She received the B.Eng. (Honours) degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering from Technical University of Cartagena in 2014, and she is currently working towards the Ph.D. at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, in collaboration with the company Space Engineering (SPEN), Rome, Italy. Her main research interests include power amplifier behavioural modelling as well as nonlinear analysis of RF signals for end-to-end communication system performance prediction.
