Funding opportunities for UK scientists


Funding opportunities for UK scientists

Wed, 25/09/2019 - 15:30 to 16:30


Dr Predrag Milojkovic
US Office of Naval Research Global in London

Dr Milojkovic, from the US Office of Naval Research Global in London, will talk about the work his organization does in supporting international science and research. ONR Global supports various international science and technology communities, providing funding and fostering collaboration for high quality research of relevance to the US Navy. ONR Global funds international research with grants, and can also fund visits of foreign scientists to the US, as well as support conferences and workshops throughout the world. ONRG funds open access and publishable basic science research only. Dr Milojkovic will describe the organization, its mission and will talk about various tools it has to accomplish it.


Dr Predrag Milojkovic joined ONR Global as a Science Director in August 2018. His background and interests cover advanced concepts and devices in optics and photonics (e.g. high power microwave and RF systems, high energy lasers, neural networks and learning machines, etc.). Before coming to ONR Global, Dr Milojkovic served as a Program Manager in DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office. His programmatic efforts focused on creating and exploiting new scientific paradigms in computational optics, computer vision, computer graphics and novel engineered materials. Before coming to DARPA, Dr Milojkovic worked at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, where his research focused on computational imaging theory and the developments of optical super-resolution devices. He holds an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
