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Entanglement between remote matter systems is the cornerstone of quantum information transfer, crucial for establishing quantum secure communication between distant parties as well as for distributed quantum information processing architectures [1]. This can be done via the implementation of cooperative light-matter coupling between coherently controllable matter qubits. This can manifest in collective rate enhancements, such as those at the heart of super radiance [2], but also includes effects such as measurement-induced remote entanglement via path erasure [3]. In this talk, I will present our latest work [4] on coherent control of cooperative emission arising from two distant but indistinguishable solid-state emitters due to path erasure. The primary signature of cooperative emission, the emergence of “bunching” at zero-delay in an intensity correlation experiment [5], is used to characterize the indistinguishability of the emitters, their dephasing, and the degree of correlation in the joint system which can be coherently controlled. In a stark departure from a pair of uncorrelated emitters, we observe photon statistics resembling that of a weak coherent state in Hong-Ou-Mandel type interference measurements. Our experiments establish new techniques to control and characterize cooperative behavior between matter qubits using the full quantum optics toolbox, a key stepping-stone on the route to realizing large-scale quantum photonic networks.
[1] S. D. Barrett and P. Kok, Phys. Rev. A 71, 060310(R) (2005).
[2] R. H. Dicke, Phys. Rev. 93, 99 (1954).
[3] S. Wolf et. Al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 063603 (2020).
[4] Z. Koong et. al., arXiv:2105.09399 (2021).
[5] A. Sipahigil et. al., Science 354, 847-850 (2016)