An Outlook on Automated Monitoring of Fermentation with Prospects for Fruit Brandy Distillers


An Outlook on Automated Monitoring of Fermentation with Prospects for Fruit Brandy Distillers

Wed, 25/09/2024 - 13:00 to 14:00
Prof Tomas Horvath
Edinburgh Napier University

Automated, such that in-line or on-line, monitoring of fermentation would be a valuable tool for distillers, brewers and winemakers. However, despite the availability of various sensor and data-processing technologies, in general, fermentation is still being monitored in an at-line or off-line manner. The talk is a survey on recent scientific work in fermentation monitoring, discussing the available literature and further prospects from the point of view of artificial intelligence and fruit brandy distilling. Fruit brandy, known in German-speaking countries as "schnapps" or "obstwasser", has long tradition and high popularity in countries of the Carpathian basin and the Balkans, where it is called "pálinka" (Hungary), pálenka (Slovakia and Czech Republic), palincă (Romania) or Rakija (Serbia, Croatia), the technology of which is different from the other, more popular spirits such that whisky, vodka, rum, cachaça, tequila, cognac or baijiu.
