Framework development for grouping Polymers based on the toxicological studies result


Framework development for grouping Polymers based on the toxicological studies result

Wed, 22/01/2025 - 13:00 to 14:00


Bibin Sajan

Polymers are used across various industries, in everything from medical devices and packaging to automotive components and electronics. However, their diverse manufacturing processes, chemical structures, interactions with other substances, complex degradation processes, and limited toxicity data, make their hazard assessment complicated. Given the impracticality of individual animal testing for each polymer due to cost, time and animal use, there is a critical need to streamline toxicity assessments to better manage the environmental and health risks.
Grouping is an approach that streamlines hazard assessment by providing evidence of similarity between substances so that animal hazard data can be read-across (shared) from one group member to another. This poster introduces a novel strategy integrating the existing grouping framework (from the EU project GRACIOUS) by replacing nano-specific elements with polymer-specific considerations.
A polymer grouping hypothesis template has been developed which includes consideration of the purpose of grouping (e.g. regulatory), the lifecycle of polymers (to identify relevant exposure scenarios), and answers the fundamental questions of what they are (physicochemical characteristics), where they go (fate and behaviour in the environment, toxicokinetics), and what they do (hazards).
The developed hypothesis template used to determine the dermal exposure to Polyacrylic Acid (PAA) in household detergents with a molecular weight of 4500 Da does not imply skin sensitization. The findings support the acceptance of the hypothesis, showing that PAA exhibits low dermal toxicity, no sensitizing potential, and mild eye irritation in rabbits. These results suggest a minimal human health risk through skin contact. It demonstrates the practical application of the framework and highlights future directions for research and implementation.
