Deconvoluting complex lineshapes: Resonant Methods for X-ray Spectroscopy


Deconvoluting complex lineshapes: Resonant Methods for X-ray Spectroscopy

Wed, 27/03/2024 - 14:00 to 15:00


Rebecca Ingle

Experimentally capturing the chemical dynamics in complex molecular systems requires experimental observables with a high degree of selectivity. X-ray methods are often described as being site and element selective and there are many examples in the literature of the successful application of time-resolved X-ray techniques to understand the photophysics of large systems, particularly for organometallic complexes and metalloproteins.

However, methods like X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), which offer excellent sensitivity to the core and valence electronic levels, can suffer with a surprising degree of spectral congestion even for relatively simple molecular systems. In this talk I will discuss some of the molecular properties that contribute to complex spectra lineshapes and some of the opportunities offered by experimental and theoretical developments for resonant methods for the study of polyatomic systems.
