Micro-fabricated device for the in vivo measurement of prostate stiffness


Micro-fabricated device for the in vivo measurement of prostate stiffness

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 14:30 to 15:30


Paul Scanlan

A digital rectal examination (DRE) is a routine clinical procedure used to detect irregularities in the prostate. Results of the DRE provide the first steps in helping to determine the presence of cancer in the prostate. The technique however varies with each clinician and any early diagnosis is based on his/her knowledge and experience. Our device is finger mounted and uses a dynamically actuated membrane, embedded with a strain gauge, to transmit a cyclic force through the tissue. Using the strain gauge to record amplitude ratio and phase difference between loaded and unloaded conditions, we can quantify the tissue’s stiffness and damping characteristics. This allows for more accurate and consistent assessments during DRE.
